There is 6Km, 10Km and 21Km jogging routes along the Marina area. Have competitive and non-competitive options.
Discounted registration ended on 15-July-08. Last day to register is 31-July-08. So hurry.
To join click here :- Marina Bay Run Registration
I have not been jogging for more than 10 years. Was very motivated by some of my friends and colleagues who signed-up. Since I used to enjoy jogging during my college days, I am trying to pick up jogging again..... a re-born runner (old age veteran now) !
HC Gan
Started on 5-Jul-08 for this blog on Marina Bay Run.
Sat 30-Aug-08 : Safra Marina Bay Run RESULTS are out now!
SUCCESS ! We did it !!
Rank Bib Name-Nationality CheckPt NetFinish GunFinish Remark
1175 V9063 NG HeiTong Singapore 1:09:09 02:43:39.39 02:47:35.35 21km Men’s Veteran
607 V9548 TAY BengHwee Singapore 1:05:54 02:13:05.05 02:19:15.15 21km Men’s Veteran
1709 N0362 CHAN ChengSoon Singapore 1:02:20 02:14:48.48 02:17:49.49 21km Men’s Open
104 MV3131 GAN HockChai Malaysia 0:38:01 01:01:07.07 01:01:26.26 10km Men’s Veteran
369 MV3501 YEOH William Malaysia 0:55:11 01:23:50.50 01:26:51.51 10km Men’s Veteran
259 MV3514 KUAN SuiToh Singapore 0:45:03 01:12:40.40 01:13:02.02 10km Men’s Veteran
Sun 24-Aug-08 : The Actual Marina Bay Run 10km and 21km
SUCCESS ! We did it !!

RESULTS - Everyone completed the Race we set out to do !! Estimated timing listed below.
HT - 2 hours and 43 minutes
CS - 2 hours and 10 minutes
BH Tay - 2 hours and 30 minutes
Me (HC) - 61.5 minutes (1st time participant)
Kenneth (Kuan's 15-yr old son) - 61.0 minutes
Kuan - 73.0 minutes (1st time participant)
Hong - 66.0 minutes (1st time participant)
Alena - 64.5 minutes (1st time participant)
William - 83 minutes (1st time participant)
Cecilia - 69.9 minutes (2nd time participant)

They also recommended to eat 2 bananas early in the morning prior to the actual run for extra energy needed for the race. I did that today plus a cup of coffee.
Quite happy with the run result today. Will likely sign up for the Standard Chartered 21km run in early Dec-08 together with Kuan. CS has signed up for the full marathon 42km.
Someone said should go buy 4-D lottery for my tag number (3131), may strike first price. Good luck, guys.

LAPS Lap-Time Cumm-Time
1km 05:44:26 05:44:26
2km 05:44:45 11:28:71
4km 11:11:82 22:40:53
5km 06:33:74 29:14:27
6km 06:03:93 35:18:20
7km 07:16:31 42:34:51
8km 05:23:39 47:57:90
9km 05:36:67 53:34:57
10km 07:42:59 61:17:16
Quotes :
HT's son BenHo : "I am so happy. Like an eagle, I felt like I could fly."
CS : "Finishing any Marathon Run is a Glory."
HC : "Go run like mad dogs. Be the Best that you can be."
Cecilia : "lets go have a good makan at Lau Pa Sat."
William : "now we deserve the best massage."
Kuan : "lets sign up for the StandardChartered December 21km marathon run."
Kuan's son : "will do 2.4km below 9 minutes." --- super Gold class ?
Hong : "the Benjamin Sheares bridge is not Cat 4, more like Cat 2 or Cat 3." --- Huh, what cats ?
Alena : "piece of cake, no problem lah."
HT : "not enough practise. Still recovering from May's full 42km marathon."
Me : "heels pain, knees pain, buttocks also pain."

Wed 20-Aug-08 :
Ran with William today in the polytechnic stadium. HT adviced to do 2 to 3km only for today as it is too close to Sunday actual run.
Did 4km (i.e. 10 rounds) at 24:13:82 minutes.
LAPS Lap-Time Cumm-Time
Lap 1 = 2:04:68 02:04:68
Lap 2 = 2:17:84 04:22:52
Lap 3 = 2:17:16 06:39:68
Lap 4 = 2:19:28 08:48:96
Lap 5 = 2:24:38 11:23:34 (2km mark. Pace is 57minute per 10km)
Lap 6 = 2:25:47 13:48:81
Lap 7 = 2:45:55 16:34:36
Lap 8 = 2:27:39 19:01:75
Lap 9 = 2:36:35 21:38:10
Lap10 = 2:35:72 24:13:82 (4km mark. Pace is 61minute per 10km)
extra lap
Lap11 = 2:41:25 26:55:07 (at 4.4km)
This will be the last final training run prior to this Sunday Marina Bay run.
HT did 10km yesterday at 60:00:06 minutes. Wow. The best time among all of us. This Sunday, HT and his son both going for 21km half-marathon competitive run. While the rest of us all going for 10km run. See you folks there at the Esplanade Bridge !!
Mon 18-Aug-08 :
Ran with William today in the Polytechnic stadium.
Did 5km at 32:03 minutes and 5.2km (i.e. 13 rounds) at 33:14 minutes.
The electronic lap watch really helps a lot as I can see the time taken for each lap. As such it helped me to pace each lap. My goal is to do 10km in 75 minutes or less i.e. 3 minute per 400m (1 lap round the track). Seems achievable. Main uncertainties are the slopes up and down the actual running route.
LAPS Lap-Time Cumm-Time
Lap 1 = 2:25:50 02:25:50
Lap 2 = 2:26:09 04:51:59
Lap 3 = 2:29:30 07:20:89
Lap 4 = 2:28:50 09:49:39
Lap 5 = 2:32:64 12:22:03
Lap 6 = 2:35:72 14:57:75
Lap 7 = 2:34:01 17:31:76
Lap 8 = 2:38:50 20:10:26
Lap 9 = 2:36:70 22:46:96
Lap10 = 2:43:43 25:30:39
Lap11 = 2:31:30 28:01:69
Lap12 = 2:43:32 30:45:01
Lap12.5 = 1:18:27 32:03:28 (5.0km)
Lap13.0 = 1:11:32 33:14:60 (5.2km)
Sun 17-Aug-08 :

Was so excited that I decided to put it on and went to run for 40 minutes around Seletar Rd area.
The watch works great! It is solar powered, can track 50 laps, auto-backlit when tilted towards your face to read the time, can track laps for Triathlon (i.e. swim, cycle and run) and water resist 200M (can use for scuba diving).
Only US$49 (S$70). Was not able to find this watch in Singapore, it will have cost close to S$200 in Singapore for a similar watch.
Will stop running by this Thursday to let the body rest and recover to prepare for actual run on Sunday 24-Aug-08.
Sat 16-Aug-08 :
Hong invited Kuan & me to join him to run near his house. There is steep slope on the entrance into Bukit Batok Park along Jalan Sesuai. Kuan travelling to KL and not able to join.
Woke up at 6am. Drank a glass of coffee and drove to Hong's house arriving at 7am. Did a slow jog from his house (Burgundy Cresecent) to Bukit Batok Park.
Wow... the slope into the Park is quite steep (guess between 30 to 40 degree) and fairly long (guess between 200 to 300m). The run up the slope was really tough. My knees and the joints near the buttocks felt the tireness and pain even on the first run up the slope. Cardio was ok.
During the 2nd to 4th runs up the slope, I tried going slower in the first 100 to 150m and tried to keep constant speed at the end of the slope (which is even more steep)... the knee and same joints area felt tired and cardio was stressed and felt very thirsty.
For all the four times down-slope run, it was really easy for me as I enjoy "free fall" running using gravity-pull down the slope. Hong did pretty well to but can see he is totally exhausted. Mrs.Hong joined us during the 4th cycle and she is probably the fittest of us all !
The actual Marina Bay run on 24th-Aug will have a fairly steep slope up the Benjamin Sheares Bridge in the early part of the run. Am so glad that Hong recommended to practise here to simulate the run up the bridge. If not, on the actual day I think I will run into trouble getting burnt-out too early in the run.
My knees do not hurt as bad as before... thanks to HT's recommendation of using the "Pose Running" method, it significantly reduced the impact pressure on the knees.
Thu 14-Aug-08 :

The Casio Triathlon watch my US friend helped to order has arrived in his house. One of my colleagues will be hand-carrying it back this Sunday for me. Was not able to find this model in Singapore and it was so cheap in US (only us$49 with free delivery in US) thru Looking forward to try it out this Sunday.
My college BH Tay recommended to take some GLUCOSAMINE for the knee joints pain. Tried it and it helped my knees recovered faster. Thanks !
Mon 11-Aug-08 :
Wow.... did not reliase that the last time I ran was almost a week ago. Went to run around Seletar area for 65 minutes today. Not sure how far was the distance covered. My rough guess is between 6 to 7km. Have several up and down slopes. On down-slope, increase the running speed like "free fall" down the slope to catch up speed. While on up-slope, tried keep the speed constant which means exerting more power. Chest & heart felt perfectly ok. Legs felt a bit tired. For the final 20 minutes, should be able to run even faster. After settling down at home, felt the sides of the ankle very painful. When climbing stairs, need to climb sideway like a crab to minimise pain. This is the last week to train for the Marina Bay run. Next week is meant for resting.
Tue 5-Aug-08 :
Still out of Singapore. This evening, ran on trackmill in hotel gym (Grand InterContinental Hotel) for 30 minutes from 10:30pm to 11:00pm (closing hour) with speed between 6 to 8km per hour. This gym is great. They provide free T-shirt, short, socks and running shoe !! I used my own ones since I brought it along during this business trip. Total distant covered is only 3.8km with random slopes.
Get a US colleague's help to order the Casio Sports Triathlon SRT600-7V for me. The discounted price is us$49 and free shipping within US. If you have a Amazon Visa card, there is another further discount of us$30 for this product... so the cost will be only us$19 (what a steal !).
Sun 3-Aug-08 :
Travelling on business trip. Ran on the trackmill in the hotel gym (Traders Hotel) for 25 minutes at random slopes and speed around 5 to 6 km per hour. 25 minutes only because the gym closed at 10pm and I reach the gym only at 9:35pm. Just trying to keep the momentum going. Running on trackmill not as fun because I cannot adjust my running speed at will.
Sat 2-Aug-08 :
Nothing to do with running but on DURIAN DURIAN DURIAN !!
Went for durian eating with Hong's family in Four Season Durain Cafe at the junction of Choo Jiat and Still Rd. Total 3 adults and 3 children and we ate up 3 big durians. Cost us a bom!
1st durian TOP grade Mao Shan Wang which costs S$40! (i.e. $20 per kg). Taste was excellent.
2nd one is a grade level D24 Sultan, cost S$30 (i.e. $15 per kg). Not that great.
3rd one is a normal D24, cost S$10. Taste pretty good, better than the 2nd durian.
For the first two durians, they brought it to our table. The last one we have to carry it ourselves to our table.....
Thu 31-Jul-08 :
Did not jog yesterday due to other priorities. Went to jog today alone. Tried out Cheang and Norman's suggestions.
Training plan for today :- to sprint for 1 round at high speed and then rest. Then sprint 1 round and rest again. Repeat the process for a total of 5 rounds of sprint and rest, to build up speed and strength.
Result :-
Did slow jog 3 rounds (1.2km) to warm up.
1st round (400m) completed in slightly more than 2 minutes.
2nd round in 1:50 minutes (followed behind the Poly Dragon Boat team). Rest 1:30 minutes.
3rd round in 1:30 minutes (followed the Poly Dragon Boat team). Rest 1:30 minutes.
4th round did not time. Probably around 2:30 minutes. Very very thirsty.
5th round did not time. Probably around 2:45 minutes. Very very thirsty.
Walked 3 rounds to cool down. Good progress I think without over-stressed the old-man body.
Will cut down on 10km runs next 2 weeks. Will following the training plan as described on Tue 29-Jul-08 blog below.
3 more weeks to actual Marina Bay Run event !! Only 2 more week left to train.
Planning to get a jogging (cum swimming) watch... likely will go with either Casio or Timex.
Casio Sports Triathlon SRT600-7V (1st choice)
Timex Ironman Triathlon T5J261 (2nd choice)
Suunto Training set t3c (3rd choice)
Nike+iPod Sport kit (looks cool, not a watch)
Tue 29-Jul-08 :
Cheang said : "Good plan but bad strategy. That's why implementation screw up. You are supposed to go slower at the beginning, slowly building up the speed, then slow down again before the final burst. Else your tyres burst too early!". I am a beginner lah. Wow... what an advice. Thanks!
Norman said : "For a 10km run, during your practise sessions you should not go for 10km. Practise sessions should be 4, 5 or 6km. Some of the days should just do short sprints e.g. run 400m at high speed then rest. Then repeat that for 5 times". Great advice and seems to make sense. Thanks!
Did a Google search for "training for 10km run". Found some good training sites. The best one listed below. My dear running partners and friends, you may want to seriously take a look and re-plan the training strategy.
Norman is right. We do not need to cover 10km during the practise sessions! That will save me a lot of pain (near the knees)! The training method posted by the experts seems quite do-able and enjoyable too! Will adopt one.
Training Plans :-
5km training plan
8km training plan
10km training plan
Running Training Website
Cheers and happy running, my friends !!!
Mon 28-Jul-08 :
Have not been jogging since last Wed due to other commitments.
HT travelling this week, so only William and myself jogged together today. Target to do 60 minutes for the actual 24-Aug Marina Bay 10km run.
Set target for today to do the following :-
5 min per km for first 2 km then
6 min per km for next 2km,
7 min per km for next 2km,
8 min per km for next 2km and
7 min per km for next 2km.
Total should be 66 minutes.
Manage to do 5min/km for the first 2km. But the subsequent 2km slots not able to meet target. Tried best to catch up in the final 2km. Ended the 10km in 72 minutes, an average of 7.2 minutes per km. Not too bad. An improvement of 6 minutes from my previous 10km run.
Body felt perfectly ok but the legs near the knees aching pretty badly. Have to climb stairs side-way like a crab!
William did 16 rounds, an increament of 1 rounds for each of his run. Very consistant and at a pace of about 3 minutes per round of 400m i.e. about 7.5 min/km pace.
Latest status :-
Hong did 5km in less than 35 minutes today!
Mrs.Hong did 7km in 55 minutes on 19-Jul (a dark horse that will put all of us in shame!)
Kuan did 12km in 85 minutes on 23-July!
Kenneath did 10km in 68 minutes on 20-July.
Gan did 10km in 72 minutes today.
William did 6.4km in 48 minutes today.
Wed 23-Jul-08 :
Did 10km (25 rounds on the track) in 78 minutes! My FIRST10km run since I started running again. Was monitoring the time and ran at a faster pace during the final 5 rounds wanting to beat Dr.Kuan's 10km 80-minutes timing. Beat his time by 2 minutes. No chest pain today. Only very thirsty. Body adjusting well.
HT did 17 rounds, still recovering from his May Marathon run.
William did 14 rounds (increament of 1 round per run, very consistant process). After which, he did double-legged "hop" up the seating area 6 layers. Two of the young lady students there were so impressed by him. Keep it up William !
Late night, got an email from Dr.Kuan. He just did a 12km run at 85 minutes along ECP! He raised the bar again!
Mon 21-Jul-08 :
Went to run with HT and William today at running track. Did 8km (20 rounds) today ! Completed in 55 minutes. Quite please with the progress. At 15th round felt pain at lower right chest (stitch?) but pushed on and the pain goes away after 2 additional rounds. Will try to keep at 8km & above this week. William did pretty well too and progressing slowly and steadily in both time and distance, very good progress.
Latest status :-
Mrs.Hong did 7km in 55 minutes last Saturday.
Dr.Kuan did 10km in 80 minutes yesterday.
His son Kenneath did 10km in 68 minutes yesterday.
Mr.Hong did 5km in 38 minutes today.
HCGan did 8km in 55 minutes today.
Fri 18-Jul-08 :
Took leave and went to see my dentist at 2pm in Clementi HDB area. Filled up 3 cavities on the big teeth at the back of upper row and did a clean up. Cost $100. Seem like price has gone up.
5:45pm went to Nanyang Polytechnic running track and jog with HT and William. First 6 rounds (of 400m track) pace with HT were quite fast. Felt tire already after 2 rounds. At the 7th round felt pain near the right lower chest. Almost wanted to stop at 8th round. But since it is not near the heart area, continue to push through. The pain gone away when going into the 9th round. Did a 100m sprint at the end of 10th round. Continue one more round of cool down jog. Improved the 4km to around 29 minutes. Jogged a total of 4.4km and walked 0.4km. Will increase to 5km next week and then 6km week after that. Will attempt a full 10km run 2 weeks before the actual Marina Bay run.
Wed 16-Jul-08 :
Went to jog at a nearby Polytechnics running track with William Yeoh and HT Ng. Third time running after more than 10 years break. Pacing the run after HT (a regular maraton runner). Ran 4km in slightly less than 30 minutes! 25% shorter time than on Monday. Did a sprint run for the last 100m followed by 800m cool-down walk. Felt very thirsty today. Thanks to HT for setting the good pace.
Tue 15-Jul-08 :
Early morning felt a minor pain on the left chest close to the heart area. Slightly tight feeling in that area. May have over-stressed the heart during yesterday's 4km run. Was thinking of seeing a doctor for advice but did not make it. Will try tomorrow or Thursday.
Went for graduation certificate presentation and review session tonight at Holiday Inn Atrium. Was glad to meet the Internet Marketing Bootcamp classmates again. Got my graduation certificate.
Mon 14-Jul-08 :
Bought a new pair of Adidas running shoes at SportsLink at AMK Centre. Both brand and shop recommended by HT. Paid $92 for it and found out that members can get 18% discount. Unfortunately I am not a member.

Sun 13-Jul-08 :
Went for tracking today with Hong and Kuan's family along Treetop Walk along the tropical rainforest. Parked the car at Venus Drive. We started from the carpark at 8:30am and by the time we get back to the carpark it was 11:00am. Total distance covered was at least more than 8km. It was quite a leisure walk and the kids and adults both enjoyed it. Most of the time the children were ahead of the adults. Went to Casurina Indian restaurant along upper Thomson road for lunch (roti prata). Cost $87 for 11 people... seem expensive.
My sport shoe bottom layer dropped off while doing the forest tracking..... can imagine how old the shoe is.
Fri 11-Jul-08 :
Felt perfectly ok 1 day after the run. Second day after the run, started to feel the muscle aches.
Gone for dinner tonight with Hong, Cheang, Kuan and spouses. It was Hong and Sok Cheng's birthday. Went to a modern Japanese fusion restaurant Dozo at Valley Point. Supposed to be fine dining with 7 courses (small portion). Cost us about S$58++ per person. Brought along and contributed 2 bottles of my favourite Carbenet Sauvignon red wine from Napa Valley.
Wed 9-Jul-08 :
My FIRST jogging after more than 10 years!
Time is running out to have a good and proper training preparation as it is less than two months away to the actual run on 24-Aug. Put on my dirty old sport shoes. Went to run around my neighbourhood today for about 30 minutes. My FIRST jogging after more than 10 years. You can imagine how exhausted and tired I was! Feel like vomiting after the jog.
After dinner and a good shower, feel really good to have started jogging again !! HCGan
Tue 8-Jul-08 :
My colleague HT Ng told me he has signed up for the Marina run too. He has just completed a Maraton run in May-08. Both his toe nails are BLACK in color ! Motivated, I signed up as well. Send email to my 3 other close friends Hong, Cheang and Chan on this event.
Mrs.Hong signed up right away for herself and her husband too ! Cool... have more running partners now.
Sat 5-Jul-08 :
My friend Dr.Kuan told me that he and his son have registered for the run. I have not been jogging for more than 10 years. Very tempted to join as I do enjoy jogging.
- Start of Blog -
hcgan hcgan hcgan hcgan hcgan hc gan hc gan hc gan hcgan hcgan hcgan hcgan hcgan
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