Run for Health, Run for Fun, Run for Life.
HC Poh our lady full marathoner joined us again after a long break.
After running with us for 7km she continue to run all the way back to
office (or home?) probably for another 5 to 10km more.
Glad to see CS again who has just recently completed the Chicago full marathon.
I joined the hot-runners group again after a short break. Just did a training run last Sunday for 32.5km. Cramps on the legs kicked in after crossing 25km. After 28km arms cramped too and was a surprise to me. Has not been training enough.
Bok and CS giving me a lot of advice and suggestions.
A lot of sharing of running tips and catching up with each other today. Not sure who sponsor the drinks today but several people offered.
HT forgot to bring running gears. So he went to buy a pair of running shorts and joined us.
BokHui still runs the fatest and was showing us his new Android phone.
Glad to see the other regulars too Reais, PH, Seah and KH too. A new runner CN Ng joined us today.
The group decided to do a run together at East Coast Park next Wednesday 18-Nov follow by a makan session at the hawker centre there. More details will be published later.
Clocked 7km in 43:33:79hr, an average speed of 9/7km/hr.
Had a great run together today. Cheers......
Did a 32.65km training run on Sunday 08-Dec morning. Was terrible. Muscles cramp kicked in at around 25.5km..... hamstring, inner tigh, lower back. Walked quite a fair bit after that. Run, walk, run, walk, run. Did a bit of stretching too along the way. Glad to cross this far as it showed up new potential problems and challenges. Result of not training enough....
At 28km the arms muscle also cramped up. This is a new surprise.
42km will be really jiat lat. Crossed at least 75% of 42km. So I think I am more mentally prepared. There will be more new problems and challenges on actual day when I cross 32.5K to 42km..... anticipating new challanges along the way.
Reached home very tired and body aches all over. But survived.
Clocked in 32.65km in 3:50:26 hr. Not too bad for first attempt at such long distance. Running circuit is 3x of the Yio Chu Kang 10km route.
Actual full marathon event is on Sun 6-Dec. I have to travel to US on Mon 7-Dec early morning on economy class. Not sure whether I can still walk on Mon 7-Dec early morning to catch the plane.