Wake up at 5:30am today. Drank a cup of coffee, ate 2 large banana s and 1 pack (2 bars) of energy grain bar. Started run at 6:24am. Wore 2 of my new running accessories : a 4-bottle Nathan fluid belt and a Halo head-band (to prevent sweat from reaching eyes).
It started to rain when I reach close to Lentor Avenue. Stop and waited for a short while at a bus stop. Saw another runner whom continue to run with a fluid backpack. Asked him if it is ok to run in the rain. I was concern about lightnings and shoe getting wet. So I started pacing behind him. Tried to cover the Mizuno new 16km route.
Took a pack of energy gel (GU) at around 14km point. After 500m the legs seems to be able to move smoothly and fairly fast at 10.4km/hr.
Overall a great run today. This is the longest single stretch that I have ever run... 25.48km.
Will continue to increase weekend distance until I am ready to join the Nov MR25 35km preparation for the Dec full marathon.