"Break Away" run dedicated for SDC today at Upper Pierce Reservoir (UPR).

Quite a number of people left office early today. So total 8 people turned up today. Out of which 4 people are leaving us today but said will still come back and join us for future runs. That's the spirit, Hot-Runners ! Lets keep in touch.

Trying to poise... of course these bunch of Hot-Runners do not know how to act. But they tried.

Most of us took the 6km route. Two of them did 8km (they ran the 4km route twice). MJ and Kim ran so fast that I do not know which route they took and how far they went. These 2 guys are really good !!

Due to current economic crisis,

dear Kim has to down-grade from his gorgeous motorised White Horse (aka Motorbike - power by petrol) to a manual paddle Steel Horse (aka bicycle - power by water i.e. just hydrate the paddler).

This photo after the run looked a bit blurry and unclear. A kind old man volunteered to take picture for us. Looks like his hands was not stable. But it was nice of him to offer to take picture for us.