Monday, December 21, 2009
Ran 6km around the neighbourhood
Finally managed to went ahead and did a short run before dinner around the neighbourhood for 6km. Felt really great after the run. After 1km warm up run, was trying to keep the speed above 10km/hr.
Did 6km in 34:53 minutes, an average speed of 10.3km/hr or pace of 5.48min/km. If can sustain at this pace, it is about 54.8 minutes for 10km. Will try to do a 10km event in the near future with target below 60 minutes, preferably below 55 minutes
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Have not been running for 2 weeks since the marathon
Wanted to sign up for the 29-May-2010 Sundown marathon but date clashes with other personal commitment. As such will skip the Sundown and join the Standard Chartered marathon in Dec-2010 instead.
Maybe after completing the marathon and without any running events nearby, am not too motivated to start running again.
Probably will try to start running again keep the 'fire' going. Run for Life.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My very 1st 42.195km Full Marathon Ran
The Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon event is getting so popular. Within a short few week
after opening for registration, the 50,000 places were all fully taken up and registration was closed. Ended up some of our fellow runners were not able to join.
Woke up late for my Aug-09 SAFRA Marina Bay 21km event. So, setup 3 alarm clocks last night just to be sure that I can wake up on time for my first Full marathon event today.
Woke up at 3:30am as planned. Took a cup of coffee, 3 bananas and 2 Nature Valley energy bar biscuits (free). Before leaving house, took a glass of the Berocca vitamin C drink (free). Drove out from home at 4:30am and reach event site at 5:00am.
A little surprised to see such a huge crowd. Moved myself ahead bit by bit on the Esplanade bridge towards the starting point. Nice to see that the queue line was properly labelled for >5 hr, 5hr, 4.5hr, 4.0hr, etc. Moved ahead and join the crowd at the 5 hr group.
Since I started running again on 9-Jul-08 with HT Ng and William Yeoh, I have never expected that I will ever run a full 42.195km marathon. One and a half year later, here I am just about to start my very first full marathon ran today at 5:30am. The feeling was great. Have two goals :
Goal#1 : to complete the full 42.195km marathon ran.
Goal#2 : to try to do it within 5:00 hours.
Initial plan was to try to complete the full event at an average speed of 9km/hr which will enable me to complete the full event within less than 5 hours. But I meshed it all up when the race started. Carry a fluid belt with me to carry items like car key, handphone, energy gel and a small bottle of 100-Plus (300ml). Brought along 4 packets of GU energy gel and plan to take one at 45 minutes or an hour interval.
0 to 10km
Started slow to allow the body to warm up. Tried to keep speed between 9km/hr and 10km/hr. Saw a black dressed ‘witch’ (without broom) running at a fairly constant speed of around 10km/hr. So decided to pace her. Quite comfortable pace and continue to run right behind the ‘witch’. Drink at each water point to stay hydrated as advice by Pete Laute.
At around 10km mark, the “witch” met a “Santa mama” and stopped to chat. So I continue on and met our fellow hot-runner CS Chan (several-time marathoner). Started to pace and follow behind CS. Speed was between 10km/hr to 12km/hr. Deviated from my overall plan but feeling reasonably comfortable at that speed. Along the way saw the 4.5-hour marathon pacers, so my timing was quite ok I thought. Drink at each water point to stay hydrated. Always go for 100-Plus isotonic drink instead of plain water as it hydrates the body better as it replenishes the electrolytes.
After 20km was not able to catch up with CS and the distance between him and me begin to widen. Continue to run at around 10km/hr speed. At 28km mark, started to feel some pain around the thigh and hamstring area. Bad sign and a symptom of cramp about to come. So stop to stretch the legs and then continue to run. Put on ‘heat-rubs’ along the way when there are supply available. So started a mixture of run and stop+stretch from 28km to 30km and try best to avoid onset of cramps. Told myself regardless what happen, must complete the full marathon.
Saw the 5-hour marathon pacers, so thought may still have chance to complete the full marathon within 5 hours. Started to stay close to the 5-hour marathon pacers from 33km to 37km mark. Running speed was averaging around 9km/hr. Reasonably ok and did not trigger the cramps. Quite glad and still optimistic that maybe able to complete within 5 hours if the cramps do not sets in. However at 37km the pains around the legs were getting much stronger. The helpers along the way all ran out of the “heat-rubs”. So stopped and stretched the legs again and again and then run. Stopped several times to stretch… continue with a mix of run and stop+stretch to keep myself going. Borrowed some “heat-rub” from a fellow runner near a bus-stop. Seems to help relief some of the pain. Told myself that in future I must bring along some “heat-rub”.
At 39km mark decided to continue running with minimal or no stops to complete the event with reasonable timing. Continued at average speed of 9km/hr and mindful of potential cramps setting in. Completed the full final few kilometres at that moderate speed through sheer determination.
Was so so glad that I manage to complete the 42.195km Full Marathon and still able to walk around the place. As CS Chan said “It’s a Glory to complete a Marathon event”. Cheers….
After the finishing line, saw my wife and daughter at the side looking out for me. So glad that they have came to provide me the support. This is the first time they came to join me for a running event.
Met ZhiJing and Joe.
Was able to drive car home. Very glad that there is no injury. Thigh muscles very painful. Have difficulty taking off the socks. Very easy to get a cramp on every parts of the body if that portion of the body moves too fast e.g. arms, legs, etc. Felt legs pain while climbing stairs,
need to climb stairs slowly.
Thank goodness that my meeting in US was postponed to Jan-10. If not, the travelling and flight journey can be torturous. Went back to office to work today. Still have some pains on the legs and body generally felt tired.
Almost fully recovered. Most of the pains were gone. Was pleasantly surprised at the fast pace of recovery. Told myself must do another marathon again and aim to complete within 5 hours. Wanted to sign up for Sundown marathon on 29-May-10 but clashes with some other commitment. So will have to give this a miss.
Definitely will sign up for next year August Marina Bay Half Marathon and December Standard Chartered Full Marathon. Will also sign up for other running events along the way to continue to keep the body in tune and healthy. Not sure whether to run at constant speed of 9km/hr throughout or to use another different strategy to complete the full marathon within 5 hours.
I have never thought of running a Full Marathon some 1.5 years ago. Special Thanks to HT Ng and ST Kuan who have motivated me to sign up for my very first running event last year August i.e. SAFRA Marina Bay 10km run. And for HT Ng and William Yeoh who ran with me since then in the Nanyang Polytechnics running track and subsequently migrated to some of our other favourite running routes. And the joy of running with all our fellow Hot-Runners !!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
SGRunners.comMonday, November 30, 2009
10km casual run at East Coast
Went to run at East Coast after work. Started from carpark B1 and westward towards city. Hit the end (blocked) at 800m. Did a u-turn and hit 1.6km at carpark B1. Then continue eastwards towards UDMC Seafood Centre. Make a u-turn right before the first restaurent, after a total of 6km displayed on my Garmin monitoring watch. By the time I get back to carpark B1 again is about 10km.
Ran really slowly at around 9.3km/hr for the first 6km. Then speed up and stay at around 10km/hr. Speed up to above 11km/hr for the final 1.3km. Overall an easy and comfortable run.
Clocked 10.36km in 1:03:51 hr, an average speed of 9.7km/hr.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
23km training run at East Coast
Parked at carpark F1. Decided to run farthest eastward and then u-turn and run westward farthest (or until carpark B1).
Ran eastward passed sailing club, Safra club, Camelot training camp and no more road. After that there is the National Park Connector (NPC) towards Changi Beach Park. Did a u-turn after clocking 5km. Took a short break at carpark F1 to pick up my drinking bottle and continue running westward until carpark B1 (near Fort Road).
Adjusting my speed along the way while trying to maintain heart rate close to 150bpm and not to exceed 160bpm.
Clocked in a total of 23km in 2:28:49hr. An average speed of 9.3kmph which is my comfortable cruising speed. At this cruising speed, heart and lung seems to be able to continue running non-stop as long as the legs can continue.
After run, took a bowl of fish ball noodle soup and a glass of fresh coconut juice. Doggy-bag a chilli crab and deep fried baby squid at Long Beach Seafood restaurant for wife and kid.
Monday, November 23, 2009
10.71km solo run at East Coast
Total clocked in 10.71km in 1:06:48hr. Started really slow in the first half. After reaching carpark B1 did a u-turn back. Along the way met EJ. After that begin to tail-gate a lady runner in red t-shirt (same color as mine). Was pacing closely right behind her. She picked up speed along the way and I tagged along real closely. When we were about to reach the Seafood Centre, she did a u-turn back. What a pity as she is running at fairly good speed and a good pacer for me. Did not clearly see her face.
Overall, very glad with the run. The timing was better than expected as first half I was running real slow. The second half was quite fast while pacing the lady runner. Went to the hawker centre and took a young coconut. Felt great.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Did a 75 minutes run
Friday, November 20, 2009
Did 45 minutes run on Fri night 20-Nov
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
1st anniversary run with the Hot-Runners at East Coast Park
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
UPR 7km run on Tue 10-Nov
HC Poh our lady full marathoner joined us again after a long break.
After running with us for 7km she continue to run all the way back to
office (or home?) probably for another 5 to 10km more.
Glad to see CS again who has just recently completed the Chicago full marathon.
I joined the hot-runners group again after a short break. Just did a training run last Sunday for 32.5km. Cramps on the legs kicked in after crossing 25km. After 28km arms cramped too and was a surprise to me. Has not been training enough.
Bok and CS giving me a lot of advice and suggestions.
A lot of sharing of running tips and catching up with each other today. Not sure who sponsor the drinks today but several people offered.
HT forgot to bring running gears. So he went to buy a pair of running shorts and joined us.
BokHui still runs the fatest and was showing us his new Android phone.
Glad to see the other regulars too Reais, PH, Seah and KH too. A new runner CN Ng joined us today.
The group decided to do a run together at East Coast Park next Wednesday 18-Nov follow by a makan session at the hawker centre there. More details will be published later.
Clocked 7km in 43:33:79hr, an average speed of 9/7km/hr.
Had a great run together today. Cheers......
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Did a 32.5km training run on Sunday 08-Dec morning
Did a 32.65km training run on Sunday 08-Dec morning. Was terrible. Muscles cramp kicked in at around 25.5km..... hamstring, inner tigh, lower back. Walked quite a fair bit after that. Run, walk, run, walk, run. Did a bit of stretching too along the way. Glad to cross this far as it showed up new potential problems and challenges. Result of not training enough....
At 28km the arms muscle also cramped up. This is a new surprise.
42km will be really jiat lat. Crossed at least 75% of 42km. So I think I am more mentally prepared. There will be more new problems and challenges on actual day when I cross 32.5K to 42km..... anticipating new challanges along the way.
Reached home very tired and body aches all over. But survived.
Clocked in 32.65km in 3:50:26 hr. Not too bad for first attempt at such long distance. Running circuit is 3x of the Yio Chu Kang 10km route.
Actual full marathon event is on Sun 6-Dec. I have to travel to US on Mon 7-Dec early morning on economy class. Not sure whether I can still walk on Mon 7-Dec early morning to catch the plane.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Did a 11km around neighbourhood
Sunday, November 1, 2009
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
Francis of Assisi
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Did a 17km run in East Coast Park
After work, drove the East Coast Park carpark B1. Changed there in the shower changing room. Started to run at 6:50pm. Ran east 6.5km and back westward 6.5km. Followed by another 2 km east and back 2 km west.
Was running alone and completed a total of 17km.
Was not able to transfer my running data from my monitoring watch to the PC. And I set it to auto delete after transfer. But the watch data got delete before the transfer was complete. Will reset to manual delete and to debug what's wrong. Could be the USB driver problem.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Did a 10km run alone at East Coast Park
Did 10km in less than an hour. Quite happy with today's run. Not too difficult nor too easy, effort just about right.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Run with 5 other Hot-Runners
HT was sharing his experience of taking iron tablet as he suspects
maybe he needs it for his red blood cells. According to him it seems
to helps! He definite ran much faster today.
Another runner said recently he sort of knocked off (aka fainted)
after doing some "cangkur" (spade?) work in the farm. We think regular
running can helps him.
KengHwa wanted to improve his 21km timing for this coming Dec run. I
am sure he can. His timing in Aug was not satisfactory to him due to
I am glad to be with the team today. Did a 21km training run last
Sunday on my own in 2:09 hours. An improvement over Aug race event.
Edmund is still going strong. Was glad to see PH Tan too after a
break. Thanks to Jospeh for sponsoring the drinks today.
Our Triathlon Ironman HT (Looks like he just got out from the reservoir after swimming?).
Mobile blog through HC's iPhone.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
21km training run
Managed to complete 21km run in 2:09:31 hour, i.e. at an average speed of 9.7km/hr. Felt lethagic in the first few km and was feeling difficulty to ran at 10km/hr speed. So try to keep speed between 9km and 10km range.
Took a glass of coffee and 6 small bananas. Took an energy gel at 13km point. Carried only two of the 300ml bottle of isotonic drink with me instead of 3 or 4 bottles. The two bottles run out around 19km mark. So to do 21km in future I should bring along 3 bottles instead.
The chart shows heart rate at mostly Zone 4 after the first 9km, which correlate to me feeling tired. But was glad to be able to complete at least 21km that I set out to do.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Joined the Hot-Runners again after a long absence
Drove to Upper Pierce Reservoir to join the group after work. Was late and asked them to go ahead to run first while I changed to my running gears. Met up with HT Ng, Ong BokHui, Ng KengHwa, Joseph Yeo, Reis Yeak and Andrew (BokHui's friend).
My right toe joint still having some pain from yesterday's run. So decided to do a slow comfortable run today and probably for a short distance.
Clocked in 6.22km in 40:48 minutes an average speed of 9.1 km/hr. Did a short sprint at the end 250m pacing Andrew (BokHui's friend from the Navy).
Monday, October 5, 2009
Tried out a new running route today
This is EJ's regular route. I like it because it is right beside the open sea and lots of fresh air. Pacing beside him. We run on the walkway and on the sand too. Running on the sand need more effort but very soft on the legs which is good.
Completed 8.2km in 49:15 minutes i.e. an average of 10.0km/hr. Heart rate was mostly in Zone 2 and Zone 3 which are very comfortable zones. Speed up on the last 1km (between 13.8 and 11.0 km/hr) and heart rate pushed to Zone 4.
Enjoyed the run today... nice route, beside the sea and good runner partner. Definitely will run on this route on a regular basis going forward as it is close to my new office.
Photo taken on my new iPhone 3GS.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Need to catch up with my training plan for the 6-Dec marathon
Decided to go for a 21km run today but finally ended with 17km due to pain at left ankle.
Completed 17km in 1:40:44hr with average speed of 10.1km/hr. Quite happy with today's run after a long break.
Woke up around 6am. Took a glass of coffee and 6 small Dole bananas. Carry along my fluid belt with 3 bottles (100-plus mixed with water). Total was close to 900ml. Started to run at 6:39am.
Wanted to do 21km along the YCK-AMK route (2x 10.5km). At 10km mark, felt pain at left ankle and muscle-ache at both hamstring on the lower legs. Did not want to get injured as Dec is getting close and need time to train. So continue to monitor while running. At 13km mark, the pain at the ankle still there. So decided to do a u-turn at 13.5km mark. Stop at 14km mark to take a GUI energy gel at one of the bus-stop.
After taking the energy gel, suddenly felt a rush of energy to the legs. Was able to run faster and with ease. Looks like the energy gel does work.
Reached home and clocked in a total of 17km in 1:40:55hr. Heart rate mostly at Zone 3 and Zone 4. Hamstring muscle-ache still there but pain at ankle disappeared. So glad, I guess there is no injury.
Will try to clock in t least 40km per week over in Oct. Then start to tapper down in Nov.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
6.6km run after a 10 days break
Just came back from business trip in China. Changed up immediately upon reaching home and went for a short run.
Completed 6.6km in 39:09 minutes which is an average speed of 10.1km/hr. Quite happy to be on the run again.
Heart rate in Zone 4 more than I have desire. A bit tiring since I have not been running for the past 10 days.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Did a 10km run around the neighbourhood
Took a cup of coffee and 2 bananas. Went to run around 9am. Was glad to be able to complete the 10km run in less than 1 hour ( i.e. 59:40 minutes ). While running I just monitor the running speed and the time lapsed, no longer look at the heart rate. But still continue to 'listen' to the body especially the heart and chest area to make sure I am not over-stressed. Today's run was fairly easy with the heart rate at Zone 3 most of the time except nearer to the end when it is in Zone 4. Also did not drink during this 10km run.
Current plan is to do at least two weekday 10km runs (within less than an hour) and a weekend >20km run to prepare for Dec full marathon event.