The interest on running has definitely increased a lot. Today we have a total of 11 people including
BengHwee who has came all the way from East Coast area to the Upper Pierce Reservoir to join the AMK Hot-Runners group !

From this group of 11 Hot-Runners, 7 of them are from Materials Dept ! Wow... maybe it is in the PM goal this year to run at least once or twice a week for Good Health and for Fun.

The Hot-Runners were
BengHwee, HC, YS Yun, ZhiJing, Eric (Claypton), Lau (Andy), Benjamin (Graham), SokeHan, Ivy (Tower), Reas (Risk?), Margaret (Thatcher) and Betty (Boot).

Most of us commented on the return slope for one of the section of the road, it suddenly appeared much steeper than we thought. Of course lah, when we started the run, that was the wonderful good downward slope... piece of cake.

Edwin still tied up at work. Catherine New (tied up at work) and BokHui (just realized last minute that he had an appoinment or a date tonight)
called up to apologize for not able to join today's run. Wow, these people are so nice. By the way the Runs are for Health, for Fun and for Life... so it's not compulsory you know? But these group of Hot-Runners are really a bunch of very nice, lovely and wonderful people.

Thanks HC for providing the 100-Plus isotonic drink (
see the red color dispenser?) after the run.

It was great to have a nice cool drink after the run while relaxing to watch the sunset by the reservoir. This UPR (Upper Pierce Reservoir) route is now getting more popular due to its clear air and much lesser car traffic.
This UPR has a choice of 4.2km, 6.5km, 7.2km and 10.0km distance all around the same area.
A new record number of 5 ladies today.
All of us took the 6.5km route today. I thought most of the ladies will take the 4.2km but ALL went for the 6.5km! Wonderful, they are really good!
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