Went to run the 6km Track-24 route with CM and JY. After this, continue to run home 3km plus another 1km. Total about 10km. Time taken was exact 1:00 hour! With all the traffic stops, this means I can do the 10km below 1 hour.
After the 10km, continued to push myself about another 1.5km.

The first 6km route with JY was quite comfortable pace. He is very constant with his speed at 10kmph and I just follow right behind him. My heart rate was in the very comfortable Zone 3 for the first 4km. For the final 2km it was in Zone 4 which was still fairly comfortable.

(2 similar charts here... one vs Time and one vs Distance).
Chart for the additional 1.5km run after the 10km.

Four people met up at office carpark :
Me, HT Ng, JY Choo and CM Lai. HT showed up to say "hello" but not able to join the run due to flu.

This is the 2nd time
CM joined us for the run. He joined us for the first time on Tuesday at UPR. At that time he did 1.5km. Today he increaed that to 3km, wow... good improvement ! Looks at how Happy he looked in the photo... must be a good de-stress for him and also keep him healthy.
Video of
JY Choo and CM Lai below.

When running home, met
YS Yun 
along the YCK 10km route ! A pleasent surprise.
<= YS is one of our elite Hot-Runners... high speed and long distance.
=> Me, continue to inspire people to stay healthy through running.

Total distance I ran together with this
Garmin heart-rate, speed and distance monitoring watch since 19-Oct-08 is
244km. Love this gadget as it helps me improve my run and minimize the risk of over-stretching my heart.
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