I ran from UPR carpark to the main gate entrance, u-turn back, took the small route to the pump area and back to the carpark. Total distance covered is about 5.67km.
Completed the 5.67km in 31 min and 42 sec, an average speed of 10.7kmph. Was running together with BokHui, but he was way ahead of me...much faster.
After that I ran+walk another 1Km at the bridge. Had a nice cool drink and short chat with the friends.

Some of them asked how come there was no update on the Hot-Runners website for the whole of last week. Wow... looks like some of the people do look forward to see some updates on the website on a regular basis. By the way, we do have a web tracker in place to track the number of web viewers. E.g. for last week, the number of viewers was 71 and the number of page viewed was 119.
Those who turned up today were Will, Venkat, GuanHong, George, TL Yen, Randy, Janto, Reis (the only flower among the thorns), JY Cho, Steby, CM Lai, BokHui, CS Chan (not in photo) and HC Gan (not in photo).
Thanks to CS for sponsoring the 100-Plus drink today.
Margaret forgot to bring her running gears today so not able to join us eventhough she wanted to run today. HT met up with the team but did not run as he is recovering from his flu (not A flu H1N1).

Will re-vamp this website later this month to include running tips, training plans for marathon event (10km, 21km & 42km), sharing of experience, etc, etc.
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