Went to run along 6km Track 24 with HT and Edmund.

After the run we took some water sponspoered by HT and chatted for a while.

Then met Yun YS who drove into the open carpark area to meet us.

Suggested to him that he should try to join us at least once a week. He has stopped joining us since his new job knock off time is 6pm. So he suggested that for the once in a month run with ex-Moto people, lets try to start slight later... e.g. at 6pm instead to allow those ex-Moto to drive and meet up. Good idea.
I continue to run from the carpark back to home and around the neighbourhood for another 9km. So total I clocked in 15km today as planned.
Will try to do a single 20km run sometime next week in preparation for the 16-Aug half marathon run at Marina Bay.
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