Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trying out Vibram bare-foot technology shoes for the 1st time.

Finally my 5-fingers barefoot shoes arrived from US hand-carried with the help of my colleagues. Read a lot of recommendation to start with a short distance and gradually increase the milage. 
Went to run with it for the first time on 18-Jan together with fellow hot-runners. MJ was kind enough to guide me along and run beside me. He thought me how to wear it right. Put in the 5 toes first then pull the shoes backward towards the heel. This will provide some space for the toes move when running. 
MJ gave many many feedback along the way. Your body swing to much, your steps too wide far ahead, keep smaller steps, your body moved too much, keep your body low like sitting down, your feet pointing outwards, try move feet straight forward in parallel and close to each other, your cadence too slow, go faster cadence, don't land on the ball of feet only, land on feet and toes together, etc, etc, etc. 
Learnt a lot from him and truly appreciate his feedback and advice. Did 2km and the calfs feel tired and a bit sore. Good as I am now using the right muscles!

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