Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mom feeding herself at breakfast and try sitting up on a chair today

1. Doctor said should let mom try to use her limbs as much as possible such as feeding meals for herself. This morning let her tried using spoon to feed porridge to herself. She did it quite well and with some spills but minimal. Just put some tissue papers close to her neck and chest area to catch those drop outs. After the porridge, she wanted to eat the bread. The nurse put strawberry jam on the 2 pieces of bread. She took the bread on her own left hand and feed herself. After finishing the 1st piece she took and finished the 2nd piece of break as well. She drank a full cup of milo using a straw.
After breakfast she took the medicine for her high blood pressure. It is pill pounded into powder form as she cannot swallow pills yet. The powdered medicine was mixed with water and she can drink it using a straw or with spoon.
She did well today and ate well.

2. The physiotherapist came around 10:30am today. Did the regular exercise for all the joints for her right hand and leg. For hand, bend the fingers to close and then open. The move the hand around the wrist area, Then bend the hand over the elbow area and open. Then bend the hand over the shoulder area. Each excerise do is repeated 10 times before moving to the next exercise.
For the right leg, move the toes up and down. Move the foot around the heel. Then bend the leg around the knee area (or to combine with movement around the hip area as well). Each exercise repeated 10 times before moving to the next exercise.
Today there is a new exercise. Use the working left hand to hold the affected right hand (clasped the 10 fingers acrossed each other). Then use the working left hand to pull the affected left hand up and above the head. Repeat for 10 times.
Her affected right side still not functioning. And her good left side is also well and not very strong.

3. The physiotherapist also shown me today how to move my mom from the bed lying down position to the sitting position on the bed side. Then move her over to a sitting chair. She advice to pull the pampers or trousers to move her instead of pulling the arms from under the shoulder as it may dislock the hands fromt he shoulder. After she sat on the chair, use a bedsheet or tower to tie her around the chair (not too tight) to hold her in place. Let her stay in sitting position for 30 minutes before moving her back to the bed. She did well today.

Met staff nurse today and she advice maybe better to get a help (either part time of full time) to help out when we bring mom home. Reason is that most family will be busy and have thier own things to do. It can help minimize tension to get a 3rd party helper and share the cost among the children based on her own personal experience. Family and relatives may not be able to attend to her full time whole day as each has their own work and other commitments.

Her body temperature and blood pressure is normal today. She is still taking high blood pressure medicine today.
The blood thining medicine Warfarine is given only after dinner. This Saturday will conduct blood test to see if the Warfarine dosage is correct and ok. If result is ok, she can be discharge from the hospital anytime after that.

More info on Warfarin :-

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