Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 1 into retirement

Last day at work was on 31-Mar-09.

Today is Day 1 into my early retirement. Will take a good 3 to 6-month break and think through on what's important in the 2nd half of my life and to do next.

Waked up early as usual. Dressed up and send wife to work. I dropped by the office for a short while about 20 minutes to clear up a few remaining things.

Spent the remaining of the morning at home reading newspaper and surfing the internet a little while. Very relaxing and peaceful. Can hear the insects chirping away by the park beside my home, felt like in the wilderness. Enjoyed the serenity.

In the afternoon went to attend an "Entrepreneur" workshop organized by Right Management. Key takeaway is that an entrepreneur need to think out-of-the-box and need to have drive and have people of different attributes to work together with you to be successful.

Late afternoon, went to pick kid back from school. Evening went to pick wife from office.

Overall Day 1 passed pretty fast and enjoyed the peaceful morning Best.

Plan to spend the next 10 days in Malaysia to catch-up with my mom and some relatives.

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